Asbestos Surveying
As an owner of a property, you have a legal requirement to know if asbestos is present, and if so that it is made safe. All buildings and homes built before the year 2000 could potentially contain asbestos.
If you are unsure whether asbestos is present, or if you are skeptical about a material and would like to check, then B&W can carry out a survey and will provide you with a comprehensive report to guide you in the right direction.
Management Survey
Asbestos Management Surveys should be available for each property after the year 2000. This survey will identify any areas where asbestos may be contained within the property which ensures that your asbestos is being managed and not disturbed.
The areas identified within the report must be managed to ensure they are in a suitable condition. If an area is not in a suitable condition, Asbestos Removal may be recommended.
If you require any further information with regards to asbestos management surveys, please visit the Health & Safety Executive (HSE) website.
Refurbishment & Demolition Survey
Asbestos Refurbishment & Demolition Surveys should be carried out prior to any refurbishment or demolition works.
This survey is fully intrusive and identifies all areas which contain asbestos so you are not alerted by any surprises which may cause contamination and therefore an inflation in cost later on down the line. These surveys are essential prior to any building works.
You cannot confirm there is no asbestos containing materials within the building until you have completed an R&D Survey. The comprehensive report provided enables a clear scope for any Asbestos Removal works required (if any).
Pre-Purchase Survey
When you are purchasing a new property, the last thing you want is to have a surprise of asbestos being present; especially when you could have renovation plans in the future.
To make you feel comfortable during your house move or purchase, our pre-purchase surveys will provide you with a detailed report of what asbestos containing materials are present on the surfaces within the property.
There may be no asbestos containing materials present however if there is this may be costly to remove further down the line.
We always recommend having this survey carried out before you decide to buy your next home or commercial premises.
Asbestos Sampling
In order to determine if a material contains asbestos, a sample may need to be taken. One of our experienced team can safely take a sample of the suspect material and have this analysed at a UKAS Accredited Laboratory within 72-hours.
We will call you to let you know the result, and certification will follow. The certification will state, where the sample was taken from, the specific address and what type of asbestos is present within the material. Your sample result would state one of 5 fibre types, the top three being the most common types of asbestos found within the UK.
Chrysotile – White Asbestos
Amosite – Brown Asbestos
Crocidolite – Blue Asbestos
Tremolite & Actinolite
NAD - No Asbestos Detected
Contact Us
Building 18, Twinwoods Business Park, Thurleigh Rd, Bedford MK44 1FD, UK
01234 215777